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Nov 15, 2023

A Mindful Approach to Bloating: Cindy’s Tips for a Happy Gut


What causes bloating? Are there different types?

There are many factors that can cause bloating such as eating inflammatory foods, eating too fast, food sensitivities, stress, and menstruation to name a few.


What specific foods may cause bloating?

Bloating can be caused by a variety of factors, including the consumption of foods that are difficult for your body to digest. Fried foods, dairy, gluten, processed foods, and sugar are some examples of foods that can cause bloating. It's also important to pay attention to food combining, as certain foods may not combine well and can lead to digestive discomfort. For instance, it is best to eat fruit separately from heavier meals to aid in digestion and prevent bloating.


What are 10-12 foods that may help alleviate bloating and how do they work?

It is just as important to eliminate certain foods that cause bloating as mentioned above. But there are several foods that can be incorporated into your diet to help alleviate bloating:

  1. Ginger - helps soothe digestive issues and decrease inflammation in the gut
  2. Mint - natural properties that help to soothe the digestive system and reduce bloating
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar - can stimulate digestion and promote the breakdown of food
  4. Grapefruit - contains enzymes that can aid in digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut
  5. Grapefruit Seed Extract - has antimicrobial properties that can help to eliminate harmful bacteria in the gut that may contribute to bloating
  6. Fiber - helps keep your digestive system moving smoothly, which can reduce constipation and bloating
  7. Herbal Tea (chamomile, mint) - has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce bloating and soothe digestive discomfort
  8. Probiotics - beneficial bacteria that live in our gut and can help to restore balance in the digestive system
  9. Prebiotics - found in all Remedy Organics products, help feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut, promoting a healthy microbiome and reduce bloating
  10. Oil of Oregano - antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help reduce gas and bloating caused by harmful bacteria in the gut.
  11. Olive Leaf - has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that may help reduce inflammation
  12. Lemon - is alkalizing to help balance the pH and can stimulate digestive enzymes and improve digestion
  13. Turmeric - contains an active compound called curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation in the gut
  14. Cardamom - natural herb that helps relieve gas and bloating by promoting the release of digestive juices and enzymes


What else can one do to naturally decrease or avoid bloating?

Here are a few tips you can do to naturally decrease or avoid bloating:

  • Massaging the stomach - You can also use essential oils like peppermint or lavender to enhance the experience and create a spa-like atmosphere.
  • Breathing - Take a moment to breathe deeply into your belly or any painful area. This can help to relax your digestive system and ease any tension or discomfort.
  • Emptying the bowels - Emptying your bowels regularly can help to reduce bloating and keep things moving smoothly.
  • Slow down and enjoy - Take your time to chew your food thoroughly, savoring each bite and allowing your body to properly digest and absorb the nutrients.
  • Cleanse and reset - A short cleanse like the Remedy Reset or fast helps by eliminating certain foods and flooding your body with nutrients. 
  • Drinking plenty of water - Sip on some refreshing water to help flush out any excess sodium and toxins that may be contributing to bloating.
  • Practice stress-reducing activities - Yoga, meditation, or taking a walk outside can help both calm your mind and your gut.


Does bloating usually go away on its own?

Bloating Is usually a temporary issue that will resolve on its own. However, if bloating is a chronic condition, it is recommended to see your physician. As a holistic nutritionist, I always encourage taking a proactive approach and getting to the root of what is causing this symptom. Pay attention and be mindful of what you are eating and what is triggering the bloating. By avoiding inflammatory foods, slowing down your eating, reducing stress, and staying hydrated, you can help speed up the process and get back to feeling your best in no time!


In Good Health,

Cindy & The Remedy Team